e. v. noechel

hear me: poems online

Vita Poetica Journal, September 2, 2022, "Poems by E.V. Noechel"

read me: poems online

They Call Us Feminist Literary Magazine, They Don't Call Us Issue, "Valley Forge" and "Salvaged"
Respect for Chickens Day Gallery of Ideas, What the Head Does While the Carcass Runs Circles, Before Dropping
Hole In The Head re:View "After Dinner, When You Ask What I Fear Most"
Kobayashi Maru: A Bedtime Story and Deadlocked
Vita Poetica: A Nick To The Heart Is A Fatal Wound
Vita Poetica: A Desperate Plea From Your Buddhist Serial Killer
Writers' Morning Out: Fetch
Writers' Morning Out: Anything But Summer
Grey Thoughts: Sending My Regrets
Junto Magazine: Found: One Shadow (Call With Detailed Description for Return)
I.O. Literary Journal: Somnesia: Insomnia at 4
The Voices Project: Anything But Summer
Sliver of Stone Magazine: Paris in Grayscale
Wergle Flomp Poetry Contest: An Ode to Taste
Independent Weekly: Instant
Foothills Publishing: Seventeen
Drugs Advised for Rape Victims and Don't Forget Your Superman Pill